Team Scranton has moved from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.
Sara is a pediatric resident physician at the Primary Children's Hospital.
We now have two wheaten terrier puppies, Zoe and her new little brother Sir Henry.

September 13, 2010

Diablo Lake Camping Trip

Diablo Lake in the North Cascades, about 2.5 hrs north of Seattle
Jake, Owen, Eric at the lakeside campsite (Owen's first camping trip)
Sourdough Trail Hike: 10.4 miles roundtrip
Eric, Jake, Ryan (and Owen)
View of the North Cascade Glaciers and
Mountain Peaks from Sourdough Trail Camp

(Eric and Sara)
Taking a break on the trail... 6 hour hike roundtrip
The long trek back to camp... steep and slippery

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