Team Scranton has moved from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.
Sara is a pediatric resident physician at the Primary Children's Hospital.
We now have two wheaten terrier puppies, Zoe and her new little brother Sir Henry.

November 20, 2009

Dog-Sitting Owen

Owen is an adorable Wheaten Terrier puppy I had the pleasure of dog-sitting. Wheaten terriers are named for the wheat-color their coat turns as they mature. Since I'm behind on my blogging, Owen is actually much bigger now. He looks like his brother Fin seen below.

He is a little cuddly teddy bear!
Eric and I can't wait to get a wheaten puppy of our own one day.

1 comment:

Tina Weidenhammer said...

See I was right! Wheaton is a perfect match for you guys! :-) ~Tina

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