Team Scranton has moved from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.
Sara is a pediatric resident physician at the Primary Children's Hospital.
We now have two wheaten terrier puppies, Zoe and her new little brother Sir Henry.

July 01, 2008

Visit to Spokane

Eric and I flew to Spokane for a long weekend of visiting with family. Eric's sister, Monica, and brother-in-law, James, have finally returned to the US from their extended stay in Germany and are now relocating to Texas. On their way they dropped by for a vacation in Washington. We had a lot of quality bonding time with our adorable niece Jamie. Here she is featured in her precious pink dress that Grandpa bought for her. She gets cuter every time we see her.

James, Monica, and "Grandma" Maxine

Eric found an activity that doesn't hurt his knee! He had to show Jamie how to get some height on the swings.

Going "Weeeeee" with Grandpa...

She tackled this climbing board like a pro. Look at the determined expression!

"Unca Eee" got plenty of practice playing with Jamie this weekend. She finally warmed up to him and they enjoyed the swings, slides, climbing...

...and bath time!!
Jamie loves bath time, but she doesn't look pleased with her new hair style.
One more shot of Miss "Pretty in Pink."
Her outfit is complete with pigtails and pink, sparkley jellies.

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