Team Scranton has moved from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.
Sara is a pediatric resident physician at the Primary Children's Hospital.
We now have two wheaten terrier puppies, Zoe and her new little brother Sir Henry.

May 31, 2008

Beat the Bridge

Beat the Bridge is a race to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The race takes place near UW and the course crosses the University bridge at mile 2. The bridge goes up 20 minutes after the race starts and it you haven't made it across before it goes up, you get stuck behind it.

The race took place on Sunday May 28. It was an 8K (5mi.) There was a great turn out; the race was packed. They raised over $1,350, 000 for diabetes research. I set anew 8K PR (personal record) with a time of 39:58.
I definitely didn't get stuck behind the bridge.

Eric was out with his knee injury and couldn't race so he was available to snap some photos. Our new racing buddy Joe Shaw ran it as well. We collected some good post-race swag and we got some cute Beat the Bridge t-shirts.

Here's the link for more information on the annual beat the bridge race:

Here's Joe bright and early on Sunday morning, ready to race.

Here's a shot from the start of the race. I'm in black and red on the right.Here's Joe rocking his iPod at the start of the race. He looks so serious!

Comparing what we got in our post race goodie bags. We love race swag!

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