Team Scranton has moved from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.
Sara is a pediatric resident physician at the Primary Children's Hospital.
We now have two wheaten terrier puppies, Zoe and her new little brother Sir Henry.

February 29, 2012

Henry Update

 Look how Henry's grown! He is almost as big as Zoe now. Zoe is holding steady at 36 pounds and he is now weighing in at 31. I think he will pass her soon at this rate. 
 Henry is showing off his new haircut and his new collar as he out grew his last two.  His hair has lightened dramatically. He is also up to running 4 miles a day with Eric and Zoe.
These are the faces that greet me at the door when I return home from work every day.  :)

February 01, 2012

Mueller Park Trail Hike

Mueller Park Trail Hike with Erin and Nique. 
It was Henry's first hike.

The view of the Salt Lake Valley. 

The sun starting to set behind the mountain.

Heading for Big rock, locally known as elephant rock.

Henry's getting too big to hold.
It looks like we keep a bear cub at our house.

Family photo! They are getting good at posing.

Zoe's new hiking pack.
Henry likes to seek adventure. He preferred the off trail route.

Sir Henry loves the snow! He has a face full as usual. 
Ladies in Purple.

 Harnessed in for the car ride home.
Post hike snuggles. They both slept well that night. 

More Views of Salt Lake CIty

 Primary Children's Medical Center where Sara spends the majority of her time.

The view from the parking garage of the mountains and the hospital.
 The view of the valley from the hospital.
 Temple at sunset.
 The capitol building on my drive home from work.

 The view of the foothills by the hospital.
View of our Uintah mountains from the air. Photographed by our recent visitors as they flew in.

January 23, 2012

Zoe's New Hair Cut, and Sir Henry is Getting Bigger!

 With all his puppy fluff they look almost the same size, even though she still weights twice as much.
 Sir Henry is tired of having his picture taken...

Chew time.